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All student organizations recognized by UZH are listed below.
Would you like to get involved? – Please get in touch with the student organization directly using the contact information on their website.
Would you like to get your student organization recognized by UZH? – All information about founding a student organization and getting it recognized is available on the website of the President’s Services office: President's Services: Student Organizations
Academic Alpine Club Zurich (AACZ ) |
Members of AACZ engagein all varieties of alpinism. In summer, the members go alpine climbing and mountaineering; in winter, tehy go ski-touring and ice-climbing. |
Academic Surfclub | The Academic Surfclub connects actively surfing students and likeminded interested in the sport. |
Achtung Liebe | «Achtung Liebe» conducts educational lessons about love and sexuality. |
African Students Association of Zurich (ASAZ) | The primary aim of ASAZ is to represent African students at academic institutions of higher education in Zurich. |
AIESEC | The main activities of AIESEC are an international exchange program and the organization of projects in areas of interest of students. |
Akademischer Aviatikverein Zürich (AAZ ) |
The AAZ is for all studentse interested in all aspects of aviation. |
Akademischer Chor Zürich (ACZ) | For over 40 years, the 120-strong choir of the ETH and University of Zurich has sung works by Verdi, Brahms, Puccini, Mendelssohn, Dvorák, Fauré and many more. |
Akademischer Fechtclub Zürich (AFZ) | Fencers who practise their sport in a friendly atmosphere meet at the Academic fencing club Zurich. |
The «Akademische Fluggruppe Zürich» is one of the largest Swiss gliding groups with 10 gliders and its own gliding school. |
Akademisches Kammerorchester Zürich (AKO) | The AKO consists, depending on the program, of about 40-70 students, assistants and alumni of the two universities. |
Akademisches Orchester Zürich (AOZ) | The AOZ is an amateur orchestra and is open to all students and assistants of the UZH as well as of the ETH. |
Akademischer Sportverband Zürich (ASVZ) | The ASVZ offers all university members an attractive and varied sports program |
AKI - Catholic Student Chaplaincy | The «AKI» is the official Catholic Student Chaplaincy in Zurich. It welcomes students from all around the world, of all faiths and beliefs, who are looking for meaningful encounters and exchange with other students. |
Analytics Club | The Analytics Club is a student run society with a shared passion for data science and machine learning. |
Arbor Mundi |
Putting the brakes on climate change, protecting biodiversity and raising awareness is the mission of the students of Arbor Mundi. |
«ARICH» is the association of Romanian students and alumni in Switzerland and is open to anyone interested in the Romanian language and culture. | |
ARTuricum |
The association pursues the goal of a debate in the field of fine arts among young adults who are pursuing a university degree at the UZH and/or the ETH. |
Association Francophone des Étudiants à Zurich (AFrEZ) | Le but de l'association est de promouvoir la culture francophone au sein des universités et de l’École Polytechnique de Zurich. |
ALSZ promotes Lebanese culture and creates a space for meeting, exchange and integration in Zurich. | |
Associazione Economisti Ticinesi a Zurigo (AETZ) | L'AETZ è aperta a tutti gli studenti di lingua italiana iscritt alla facoltà di economia dell'università die Zurigo. |
Associazione Studentesca Italiana a Zurigo (ASIZ) | «ASIZ» bings together students who have Italian roots or are simply interested in Italian culture and community. |
Associazione Studenti Ticinesi a Zurigo (ASTAZ) | L''ASTAZ aiuta gli studenti italofoni durante il loro percorso universitario creando nuovi legami, e promuova la cultura svizzero italiana difendendone la lingua e le tradizioni. |
aware | The magazine by psychology students for psychology students. |
Banking & Finance Student Association (BFSA) | Our association fosters the reputation of the master's degree program in business and economics with focus on the program in Banking & Finance at the University of Zurich. |
Belgian Association for Students in Switzerland (BASS) | «BASS» aims to combine the best that Belgium and Switzerland have to offer and create a community for Belgian students in Switzerland. |
Big Band of both Zurich universities | The Big Band is open to all students, as well as employees of the ETH and UZH. Ambitious big band musicians and musicians keen on jazz improvisation are welcome. |
Biosophie | The members ask themselves questions at the intersection of philosophy and biology. |
Blueprint Masquerades | «Blueprint Masquerades» is a English speaking student-run theater group. |
Bounce it Out | For students who are enthusiastic about «street dance» styles. |
Bündner Club | The association promotes contact and cohesion among the people of Graubünden at the universities of the Canton of Zurich. |
Business Club UZH | The Business Club UZH aims to enable an exchange between the companies and the students of all economic programmes as well as among the students themselves. |
BuyAware | The aim of «BuyAware» is to educate consumers about the ethical and ecological background of electronic products by means of an all-in-one rating in order to enable more reflective and sustainable buying decisions. |
Camerata Academica Zürich | The Camerata Academia Zürich is a chamber orchestra with a professional conductor. |
CAMPUS live |
In the Christian student association students meet in worship services, small groups and other events to recharge, build relationships and deepen their faith. |
The Chamber Music Association of Zurich Universities is a club of students and doctoral students of UZH and ETHZ. | |
Cheffy Ducks | Cheffy Ducks hosts events where people from all around the world cook typical meals, get to know different cultures and encourage a social exchange. |
Christian Student Association VBG Zürich | The VBG is a meeting place for Christian students and those interested in discussion. It is committed to a lively and reflective Christianity that gets to the bottom of critical questions and makes faith suitable for everyday life. |
Circolo Giovani Giuristi | Il Circolo Giovani Giuristi è l’associazione ufficiale degli studenti ed ex studenti di diritto ticinesi all’Università di Zurigo. |
CLASH Zürich |
CLASH Zurich campaigns against sexism and discrimination in everyday university and hospital life during medical studies. |
Climate Strike Zurich | At the UZH, the climate strike is trying to draw the attention of a large number of students to the issue of climate change and bring them onto the streets. |
Colla Voce | Colla Voce is a vocal ensemble of UZH and ETH. |
Corporate Law Club | The Corporate Law Club is committed to transparency and equal opportunities in the field of corporate law and related areas of business law. |
Czech and Slovak Students in Zurich (CSSZ) | The CSSZ is an association with the goals of uniting the community of students Czech Republic and Slovaki. |
Debate Club Zurich | Students can go in-depth into interesting social, moral and political questions and learn how to express their thoughts in an eloquent and convincing fashion. |
Denkbilder | «Denkbilder» is the journal for students of German language and literature. |
Discuss it | As a non-profit, neutral association, Discuss it promotes political education for young people and makes politics tangible through a participatory, multi-perspective approach. |
EconClub | It is the mission of the «EconClub» to instill enthusiasm and fascination for economics and its diversity; for the challenges and insights of the discipline. |
Effective Altruism Zurich | Our goal is to help you make sense of the big, pressing problems the world is currently facing and assist you in using your career to solve them. |
EFSZ | The EFSZ ist the association of Greek students. |
Erasmus Student Network (ESN ) | The «Erasmus Student Network» facilitates the integration of foreign students by taking care of exchange students from UZH and ETH and organizing various cultural events. |
ETH Cyber Group | Cyber Group is a student-run initiative which aims to bring the topic of cybersecurity to students and build awareness of the interconnectivity of cybersecurity across all disciplines. |
European Geography Association (EGEA ) | «EGEA» brings together young geographers in an atmosphere of respect, inclusion and personal development. |
European Law Students' Association (ELSA ) | «ELSA» is the world's largest, politically and ideologically neutral organization of law students. |
Feministischer Apparat Deutsches Seminar (FADS) | «FADS» organizes for example a regular feminist lunch table with a focus on the concerns and topics of discussion of the students of the German Seminar and supports the exchange among students who are interested in feminist issues. |
The collective promotes intersectional feminist concerns in philosophy studies. The focus is on structural changes at the seminar, for example with regard to reading lists or the content of courses. | |
Festival of the World | The «Festival of the World» is a day-long event where all students of ETH and UZH have the opportunity to showcase their cultural heritage and their home country. |
filmstelle |
The filmstelle presents masterpieces of cinematic art. The offer is intended as a supplement to commercial cinema. |
F.IUS – Feministisch.Ius |
The association promotes «Legal Gender Studies» and its visibility at UZH. In particular, it strengthens the importance of gender equality issues. |
Finance Club | The «Finance Club» serves as a platform for exchange, information and communication for students, professors and professionals in the field of finance. |
flumed |
«flumed» represents the interests of its members vis-à-vis the SOL (student organisation of the University of Lucerne), the Universities of Lucerne and Zurich and the public. |
foraus | «foraus» stands for «Forum Aussenpolitik» (forum foreign affairs) and wants to promote an open swiss foreign policy. |
Fotokommission | The Commission offers potography courses for all levels and expertise in event photography. |
Foundation kihz | The Foundation kihz(Kinderbetreuung im Hochschulraum Zürich) offers childcare for students and employees of UZH and ETH. |
FounderSpace | «FounderSpace» is a hub for entrepreneurship at UZH. «FounderSpace» organizes events and invites representatives of the industry. Through this experience, students should be inspired and guided to tackle and realise their own ideas. |
Friends of MSF Zurich | The association offers a platform for students interested in humanitarian aid and global health. |
Gaming and Entertainment Comitee (GECo) | The «Gaming and Entertainment Committee» of the VSETH connects gamers and universities. |
Golfclub Universität & ETH Zürich | The «Golfclub Universität & ETH Zürich» is intended to serve as a platform for all golf enthusiasts from the two Zurich universities. |
Graduate Consulting Club (GCC) |
The «Graduate Consulting Club» aims to close the gap between academia and the consulting industry. |
GSoA-Hochschulgruppe Zürich | Zurich branch of «GSoA» (Group for a Switzerland without an Army). |
Health Science Club | The goal of this student organization is to connect todays brightest minds to the health sciences industry. |
Hochschul-Pride Zürich (HoPZ) | «HoPZ» is a non-profit association for a Pride at the Zurich universities. |
Ideaction | Anyone who wants to work for sustainability in the environmental or social fields is at the right address at «Ideaction». You can join an existing idea or contribute your own. |
Initiative for Intercultural Learning (IFIL ) | The «Initiative for Intercultural Learning» supports students in organizing intercultural study trips and enables them to encounter, understand and connect with different cultures. |
Investment Club Zurich | Students not only have the opportunity to work on real cases and get to know companies whose products they consume on a daily basis, but they also have the opportunity to meet with students from different faculties. |
Iranian Scholars and Academics in Zurich (IRSAZ) | «IRSAZ» is an association that unites Iranian scholars and academics in Zurich. The goal is to help their members to adapt to Swiss society and promote Iranian culture and traditions. |
Irchel Garden project | The idea is to make the Irchel campus greener and allow everyone to garden. |
Iris Vocal Ensemble | The «Iris Vocal Ensemble» is for those who have a passion for music and acapella singing - from baroque to pop and contemporary music to traditional Christmas carols. |
IVSA | International Veterinary Students' Association Zurich |
Keller62 | «Keller62» is a small theater which offers courses for theater-enthusiasts. |
Klub der Österreichischen Studierenden Zürich (KÖS) | The «Klub der Österreichischen Studierenden Zürich» (Austrian Students Club Zurich) promotes the networking of Austrian students and the cultivation of Austrian culture in Switzerland. |
KOSTA | The foundation «KOSTA» (committee for the organisation of students’ events) organises the annual Polyball at ETH. |
kriPo |
The association «kriPo» (critical politics at the University of Zurich) is a left-wing students organisation engaging in university politics. |
Kritische Jurist*innen | The association is intended to give motivated law students the opportunity to exchange views on current legal policy issues. |
The aim of the association is to bring together students with an interest in Croatian culture. |
Kulturfestival | A day of art and culture by and for students on the Irchel campus. |
Kulturstelle | The Kulturstelle offers students a frictionless access to culture. |
Kurdish Students Association Switzerland (KSAS) | «KSAS» aims to promote Kurdish culture, language and social cohesion and to establish a network for students and Almni. |
Latino Studentenverein Zürich (LSVZ ) | The «Latino students organization Zurich» is a contact-platform for all spanish or portuguese speaking students or for students interested in iberoamerican culture. |
LionsExchange | Association at the Faculty of Economics with the aim of reducing information asymmetries among students. |
Many Isles - Student Fantasy Association | The «Many Isles - Student Fantasy Associaction» offers a community for students with an interest in tabletop role-playing games, worldbuilding, creative projects and everything that goes with fantasy. |
Marxistische Studierende (MSZ) | Marxist Students Zurich (MSZ) defend Marxism. |
Mental Wellbeing Community | The Mental Wellbeing Community is a non-profit organization. Its members try to bring about positive change in how academia interacts with mental health. |
«mindful[L]» takes mental health and wellbeing seriously – because it matters. |
MUN Team UZH | Association for students with an interest in the United Nations, who are keen to participate in the MUN (Model United Nations). |
Music Platform of UZH & ETH | The biggest music community of the UZH and ETH organises its own concert series, runs an information and networking website and offers courses for students and staff. |
Music Salon | The goal of the organization is to provide a platform for amateur musicians to perform and share their passion for music, communicate with each other, and find potential partners to play music together. |
Muslim Students Association Zürich (MSAZ) | «MSAZ» encourages exchange between Muslim students, represents their needs and serves as a contact point for their questions and concerns regarding student life in Zurich. |
NanoTalks | Student association for talks within the arts, sciences and technologies |
NADA productions |
«NADA productions» is a student filmproduction association which aims to provide an opportunity for students to visually express their ideas and to to bring together people who have a desire to create movies. |
NCWiki promotes financial and linguistic equity in the aptitude test for medical studies. | |
Nightline | Students can talk and write with us about everything that is on their mind. No matter if you just want to get something off your chest or if your world is about to collapse: We are here for you! |
Of@campusZH | The army officers' union of the UZH and the ETH consists of students and graduates who serve as officers in the Swiss Armed Forces. The aim of the association is to build up a network in order to promote dialogue between the universities, the economy and the army. |
Palestine Student Association (PSA) | The «Palestine Student Assoociation» is committed to representing and communicating Palestinian culture, history and identity at Zurich's universities. |
PapperlaPub | «PapperlaPub» is a student bar in the basement of the CAB building at ETH, open on Wednesdays 6-10 p.m. |
Polana | «Polana» brings together Polish students and students interested in Polish culture in Zurich and the surrounding area. |
Polyband der ETH und UZH | The «Polyband» consists of students and other members of the UZH and ETH, who are keen on playing music of various styles from big band and swing to blues, funk, rock and latin. |
Polyphonia | The Polyphonia Zurich University Orchestra is a symphony orchestra made up of students, staff and alumni of ETH and UZH. |
The association is a merger of the former associations «L-Punkt» and «z&h». Everyone who is looking for other LGBTQIA+ people, whether outed or not, is welcomed! | |
Psychedelic Research Organization of Zurich (PROZ) | «PROZ» takes a scientific perspective on the mystical world of psychedelics. |
Querfeldein | Querfeldein invites people from the media, research, art and society on stage to debate interesting and relevant topics and broaden horizons. |
Reatch | Reatch is a think tank reflecting on science, technology and society and advocates a science-friendly culture. |
Reformiertes Hochschulforum Zürich | The University Forum of the Reformed Church Zurich offers counseling and pastoral care, worship services, social events, as well as projects on current topics. |
RespecTomorrow | «RespecTomorrow» advocates for greater sustainability in education. |
Rethinking Economics Zurich | Network that promotes redesigning and opening up economics in terms of theory and method diversity as well as self-reflection. |
Rhetorikforum | The «Rhetorikforum» offers courses in presentation skills for students, so that they can hone their presentation techniques and manage their nervousness under control. |
Rootlinks | «Rootlinks» is a not-for-profit organisation that empowers students to become changemakers for sustainability. |
RosaRot | «RosaRot» is a magazine for feminist concerns and gender issues. |
Shoqata Studenti | The association by and for Albanian students in Zurich aims to support, network and communicate between Albanian students. |
SiROP | SiROP offers a database with topics for Bachelor-, Master- and PhD-theses or lab practices. |
Sirup |
Sirup is a radio show of UZH and ETH students that runs every Friday at 9 pm in Zurich on 97.5 MHz over the air or on cable at 88.1 MHz. And worldwide on the net via |
Sky Campus Zurich | «Sky Campus Zurich» focuses on stress management techniques for UZH students and staff. |
SLTA Student Chapter Zurich | The «SLTA Student Chapter Zürich» offers a platform to bring interested students together with the LegalTech world. |
Smart Contract Lab (SCL) | The Smart Contract Lab (SCL) is a recognized and trusted student research community dedicated to developing and implementing blockchain technologies. |
Societas Studentium Vallesanorium Turici (SSTV ) | The association offers a platform for Students from the Caton of Valais. |
Spill of Quill | «Spill of Quill» is a writers club for students with a passion for creative writing. |
START global | «START global» is sn international network of non-profit student organizations, which fosters the entrepreneurial spirit at various universities |
Strebergärtli | Members plant their favorite veggies in the community garden and realize sustainable projects that support the biodiversity at Irchel Campus. With or without a green thumb: we enjoy gardening in a community. |
«Student Biolab Zurich Society» is a platform and a community for students to design, prototype and implement their life science research and product ideas. | |
Student Legal Service (SLS) | «SLS» provides free student legal advice to students of the University of Zurich as well as to external persons and start-up companies. |
This associaition is for Tibetan Students and people interested in Tibet and its culture. |
Student Sustainability Commission (SSC) | «SSC» is a platform and network for students from all fields who are committed to a sustainable world within and outside the universities. |
Student Wine Association Zurich (SWAZ) | The «Student Wine Association» is a casual society, where students can meet and learn about wine. |
Studentisches Forum für Psychoanalyse (SFPa) | The «SFPa» offers a platform for students to engage with psychoanalytical thinking. |
Students Across Borders |
The associations purpose is to offer an intercultural and social exchange between refugees and students. |
Students for Liberty Zürich | The association aims at advancing liberal ideas among students and taching and research assistants. |
Studierenden Theater Zürich (StuThe) | «StuThe» is a Student theater group, consisting of students of all fields. |
Sustainable Business Club | The «Sustainable Business Club» brings together students who are interested in environmentally conscious business and ethical entrepreneurship. |
The asscociation promotes sustainable development at the UZH, ETH and the other Zurich universities by strengthening awareness of sustainability, networking and motivating people to take action. |
Swiss Academic Ski Club | For students who want to combine study and sport and share their passion for skiing. |
Swiss Diplomacy Student Association (SDSA ) | The «SDSA» is an association that aims to democratize diplomacy and make it more accessible to students. |
Studentischer Schachverein | The Student Chess Club is a meeting place for anyone who enjoys playing chess or simply wants to give it a try. |
Swiss Young Immunologist's Society (SYIS) | The SYIS aims to establish a network for prospective and young immunologists and organizes seminars and symposia. |
Tamilischer Verein der Studierenden (TaVs) | The Tamil Students' Association connects students with an interest in Tamil culture und community. |
Tanzquotient | The group organizes dance classes, workshops and dance events for students all over Zurich. |
Theatergruppe akitiv | This theater group consists mainly of students ans members of UZH and ETH. |
Ukrainian Association of |
UASAZ promotes links between Ukrainians and all those interested in Ukraine, organizes activities about Ukraine and promotes Ukrainian culture. |
Una Euorpa - Local Task Force | The Local Task Force (LTF) is a group of students working together as part of the Una Europa alliance, a network of 11 European universities, which aims to get students more involved in the university, promote inclusivity and build international links. |
uniMIND | «uniMIND» is a platform for sharing thoughts, insights and criticism in regard to scientific publications related to altered states of consciousness and psychedelic research. |
United Visions | Online TV station of the UZH and the ETH |
Veda Forum | The purpose of the association is the discussion and spreading of Vedic knowledge and culinary exchange during shared vegetarian and vegan lunches. |
Members of UZH may bring their bicycles to the repair shops and repair them while talking to other bicycle-enthusiasts. |
Venture Club | The Venture Club promotes entrepreneurial spirit through exciting events such as pitch competitions, lectures, and regular meetups, to connect, nurture, and support aspiring entrepreneurs and self-employed UZH students. |
Verein Serbischer Studierender (VSS) | The aim of the association is to network and represent students of Serbian origin in Zurich and throughout Switzerland and to give them a common voice in the Swiss university landscape as well as in Swiss society. |
Ver3ein | Ver3ein is for anyone who wants to or is learning the Arabic language. |
Vimentis publishes politically neutral information on votings and political topics. |
WiChem Forum Zürich | The platform connects students and alumni of chemistry and business studies with the industry. |
young european swiss (yes) | The «Young European Swiss» aim to show with various activities to the young Swiss that the interests of Switzerland is best served as an actively participating member of the European Union. |
Young Surgeon Students Association Zürich (YSSA ZH) | The YSSA ZH aims to establish a platform for Swiss medical students in the field of surgery and is committed to promoting surgical education within the medical curriculum. |
zistigsclub | The «zistigsclub» supports the interfaculty exchange between students. |
z'Phil | «z’Phil» is a student-run philosophy magazine that seeks to offer a platform for students and young academics from Zurich to publish their philosophical ideas. |
Zürcher Studenten Skitourenclub (ZSS ) | The «ZSS» organises ski- and snowboard-tours and courses. |
Zürcher Studierendenzeitung (ZS) | The «Zürcher Studierendenzeitung» (ZS) is a independent newspaper produced by students for students of UZH and ETH. |
AB Glanzenburger | Academic fraternity (Akademische Burschenschaft) Glanzenburger |
AKV Kyburger | Academic Association (Akademische Kommentverbindung) Kyburger |
Albionia | |
League of Alumni (Altherrenbund) RHODIA Turicensis | |
League of Alumni (Altherrenbund) Sequania Turicensis | |
ALV | Academic agricultural association (Akademische landwirtschaftliche Verbindung) |
AV Filetia Turicensis | The first female academic association in Zurich |
AV Orion | Academic fraternity Orion |
Carolingia Turicensis | Carolingia Turicensis – student fraternity of both universities (University and ETH Zurich) |
CCZ | Corporationen Convent Zürich – the Zurich student fraternities' umbrella association |
HELVETIA | Swiss Student Association HELVETIA, Zurich |
Manessia Turicensis | Student fraternity Manessia |
Neu-Welfen | Academic fraternity Neu-Welfen |
Neuzofingia | Academic fraternity Neuzofingia |
Rhenania Zurich | Academic fraternity Rhenania Zurich |
Rodensteiner | Singing fraternity Rodensteiner |
SSS | Swiss Students Shooting Club |
StGV | Zurich Singing Students |
Tigurinia | Corps Tigurinia |
Tulingia turicensis | Active corporation Tulingia turicensis |
Turicia | Academic Student Association Turicia |
Utonia | Academic "Turnerschaft" (gymnastic association) Utonia |
Welfen | Welfen academic fraternity |
Zofingia Zürich | Zofingia student fraternity, Zurich |