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UZH for Students

Psychological Counseling

Visual Psychological Counseling

The counseling services are available to all students and PhD candidates at UZH and ETH Zurich. The sessions are confidential and free of charge. We speak German, English, French, Polish, and Swedish.

As an alternative to a personal consultation, we also offer group workshops. Please consult the website of the Psychological Counseling Services for details.

Make an Appointment

You can make an appointment for an individual counselling session online:Psychological Counseling Services: Registration Form

Support in acute crises

Are you in an acute crisis? The following services are available 24/7:

Heart2Heart hotline0800 143 000 (English 6-11pm) or143 (German/French/Italian 24/7)
Crisis Intervention Unit Zurich058 384 20 00
Aerztefon (emergency psychiatrist)0800 33 66 55
Emergency University Hospital Zurich044 255 11 11

Weiterführende Informationen



University of Zurich / ETH Zurich
Psychological Counseling Services
Plattenstrasse 28
8032 Zurich
Phone +41 44 634 22 80