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UZH for Students

New at UZH?

How do I find my lecture hall? Which modules do I need to book? And where are the best study spaces? We introduce you to student life at UZH and give you a few tips and recommendations for your studies. Welcome to UZH!

  • Prepare – Values and culture, organization, finding your way around

    The University of Zurich is a social space for free and open science and research. It is made up of seven faculties, which each consist of a number of departments, institutes or clinics.

  • Plan – Uni vs. high school, study administration, finance

    Studying at university is very different from high school. We present the most important differences and introduce you to study administration.

  • Welcome Days – Ready for take-off

    In the week before the start of the Fall Semester, all new students are invited to the welcome days. Come along and explore the UZH Campus, find out about facilities and services, and make new friends.

  • Network – Freshers party, student organizations, mentoring

    UZH offers an array of student organizations and societies that you can get involved in and that can offer valuable tips and advice when you start your studies.

  • Study – Learning culture, study spaces, technical equipment

    Studying at university is different from studying at high school in a number of ways. You get a lot of freedom to organize your schedule in a way that suits you. We can help by offering tips, workshops and the latest software.

Values and Culture, Organization, Finding Your Way Around

The University of Zurich is the social space for free and open science and research. It is made up of seven faculties, which each consist of several departments, institutes or clinics. Courses are currently spread across the four sites: UZH City Campus, UZH Irchel, UZH Oerlikon and UZH Schlieren.

Uni vs. High School, Study Admin, Finance

Studying at university is very different to studying at high school. We highlight the most important differences, introduce you to study administration, and provide recommendations and tips to help you plan key aspects of your studies.

Ready for Take-Off!

At the welcome days in the week before the start of the Fall Semester, we introduce you to the world of UZH, present the facilities and services for students and give you important information on your study program and on how best to plan and organize your studies.
Welcome Days

Freshers Party, Student Organizations, Mentoring

UZH offers an array of student organizations and societies that you can get involved in. The student organizations run a range of mentoring programs, where experienced students help you out with tips and advice when you start at UZH.

Learning Culture, Study Spaces, Tech Equipment

Studying at university is different from studying at high school in a number of ways. You’ll have a great deal of freedom to manage your time and priorities in a way that suits you, from planning your exam revision to selecting your ideal study environment. We can help by offering tips, workshops and the latest software.

Ready for UZH?

Test your knowledge with our quiz and find out if you’re ready for your first day at uni. (Click on “Guest access” when you log in to start the quiz).
Take the quiz on OLAT

Tips and Tools

UZH on Social Media
