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UZH for Students

Welcome Days

In the week before the start of the Fall Semester, all new students are invited to the welcome days. Discover everything you need to know about life at UZH and about organizing and planning your studies.

Ready for Take-Off

Explore the UZH campus, get to know UZH offers and services, make your first contacts: the Welcome Days for all new students take place in the week before the start of the Fall Semester. At these events, you will receive important information about studying at UZH, how to organize your study program, and how to plan your studies optimally.

Next Welcome Days from 8 to 15 September 2025

The next Welcome Days will take place from 8 to 25 September 2025. You can find the detailed program on this website in July 2025.

Introductory Events at the Beginning of the Spring Semester

At the beginning of the Spring Semester, individual introductory events are held for new students. You may receive information on this directly from your faculty/your study program.


The Welcome Days are organized by the Study Orientation Center.
Study Orientation Center

Tips and Tools