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UZH for Students


City, Irchel, Oerlikon and Schlieren Campus

UZH is currently spread across four different campuses: there are over 40 buildings on the UZH City Campus, more than 30 buildings on the UZH Irchel Campus, and eight more buildings at the two smaller sites, UZH Oerlikon Campus and UZH Schlieren Campus.

UZH City Campus  
UZH Irchel Campus
UZH Oerlikon Campus
UZH Schlieren Campus

Courses per Campus

The courses run by the seven faculties are generally spread across the four campuses as follows:

  • UZH City Campus: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences; Faculty of Law; Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics; Faculty of Theology and the Study of Religion
  • UZH Irchel Campus: Faculty of Science, Faculty of Medicine, Vetsuisse Faculty
  • UZH Oerlikon Campus: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics
  • UZH Schlieren Campus: Faculty of Medicine and Vetsuisse Faculty

You’ll find more information and maps of the individual sites under “Dates and addresses”:
Dates and Addresses: Sites


The UZH campuses at a glance.

Click on the map to discover the different campuses of the University of Zurich with its numerous buildings.

UZH Map Campuses (interactive)
