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UZH for Students

Studies and Disability

Visual Studies and Disability

Barrier-Free Access and Accessibility

We are committed to ensuring barrier-free access for students with a disability or impairment that affects their ability to study. Mobility, visual and hearing impairments, chronic illnesses, mental disorders, and learning impairments such as Asperger syndrome, attention deficit disorders, or dyslexia can make studying difficult. Our team makes a confidential assessment of each situation and offers assistance for study-related activities. Information on the accessibility of buildings and facilities is available online in the Uniability UZH guide (in German).

Fact Sheets, Services, Advice and Support

All our services are listed on our website:

Weiterführende Informationen


University of Zurich
Disability Office
Schönberggasse 15
8001 Zurich
Phone +41 44 634 45 44