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UZH for Students

University Library Zurich

30 Locations

The University Library Zurich (UB) is present at all three main UZH campus, with around 30 individual locations. Our libraries are usually open from Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 5:00pm. Individual opening hours per location can be found via the search mask below or on the University Library website.
University Library: Locations and Opening Hours

Access with UZH Card

With your UZH card, you can use many UB locations outside of opening hours – in some cases up to 365 days a year.
University Library: Access with UZH Card

Book a Study Space

Escape the daily routine at home, study in peace and quiet, or meet up with your study group: The UB offers around 3’000 study space at its different locations. Group study rooms are also available.
University Library: Book a Study Space
University Library: Group Study Rooms

Courses and Events

The University Library offers courses on literature research, literature management and self-organization. There are regular gaming events in the libraries.
University Library: Courses and Events

Borrowing and Using Literature

On the swisscovery platform, you can borrow all media from the UB and ZB Zurich, as well as from a further 500 Swiss libraries. To download from the e-library, you must be connected to the UZH-VPN.
University Library: Search and Find

Specialist Research and Advice

The UB website contains subject-specific databases and further information for literature searches in your subject. The subject experts are happy to advise you on your work with literature.
University Library: Subjects

Locations (search mask)

UB News