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UZH for Students

Study Areas

Organizing your learning environment

A learning environment that suits your needs and preferences can help you study in a more relaxed and focused way. To find the right learning environment for you, think about the following:

  • Quiet or noisy?
  • Alone or with others?
  • At home, in libraries or in cafés?
  • Alternating or always the same?

Study Spaces at UZH

The UZH buildings and the 30 university library sites offer a wide choice of spaces where you can study and work. The locations cover different needs – whether you’d rather work alone somewhere quiet or in a group in a place where you can feel inspired and interact with others. When there are no lectures or classes taking place, you can also study and work in empty seminar rooms.
Dates and Addresses: Opening Hours of University Buildings
Dates and Addresses: University Library
University Library: Rooms and Spaces

Open Libraries: Access with UZH Card

More and more University Library locations are open to students 365 days a year as well as during the building opening hours. You’ll find everything you need to know at a glance on the library’s website:
University Library: Access with UZH Card

Book Study Spaces

The University Library offers some 3,000 study spaces in its locations alone. But they’re in high demand during exam season. Many libraries therefore let you book spaces in advance.
University Library: Book a Study Space

Good to know