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UZH for Students

Values and Culture

Scholarly Activity, Freedom and Responsibility

The University of Zurich (UZH) is the social space for free and open science and research that advocates unrestricted freedom in research and teaching. Academic freedom also calls for responsibility. UZH governance is based on the principles of subsidiarity, participation, transparency and balanced interests. Appropriate inclusion of students and staff in decision-making processes is an expression of shared responsibility. Find out more on the main UZH website:
University of Zurich: Profile

Ethics, Sustainability, Social Responsibility

From research integrity and quality assurance in teaching, to equal opportunities, inclusion and diversity – UZH is committed to a set of principles and to the effective and efficient implementation of relevant policies and guidelines. Find out more about the individual policies on the main UZH website:
University of Zurich: Policies  (overview)

My Studies. Our Future.

Being a successful student means more than just getting a degree. Your studies shape the entire course of your life and prepare you for making responsible contributions to our shared future.

From A as in Academic Record to T as in Transfer of Credits

What exactly are ECTS, and what’s the difference between an academic record and a transcript of records? There are sure to be many words that you’re hearing for the first time here at UZH. Get to grips with the key definitions in our UZH glossary:
University of Zurich: Glossary

Tips and Tools