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UZH for Students

Sports at UZH

Academic Sports Association Zurich (ASVZ)

Do you enjoy physical exercise? Do you want to get or stay in shape and improve your quality of life? Then the Academic Sports Association Zurich (ASVZ) is the right place for you. The ASVZ and its wide range of sports facilities and activities are open to the entire university community. Its offers include traditional sports as well as various new and exciting kinds of sports.

Check out the varied program with the ASVZ app

Visit or download the ASVZ app to find out more about the enticing and varied program, including more than 120 different sports, around 600 lessons each week as well as almost 1,200 courses, camps and events every year. In addition, the ASVZ sports centers Polyterrasse, Hönggerberg, Irchel, Fluntern, Winterthur and Wädenswil feature well-equipped cardio and strength training areas for your individual exercise needs.
ASVZ app in the App Store
ASVZ app on Google Play

Weiterführende Informationen

The Academic Sports Association Zurich (ASVZ) provides sports services to members of universities. It promotes sports on a voluntary basis for all students and members of higher education institutions in Zurich. The ASVZ is an association under private law that is co-funded by the University of Zurich, ETH Zurich and the Zurich Institutes of Higher Education.

Elite Sport and Studying

It's not always easy for (aspiring) professional athletes to balance their courses and their workouts, their exams and their competitions, and their diplomas and their medals. Student Advisory Services can help you do this!