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Complete the Start! Teaching Assistant Qualification Program to gain additional skills and beef up your CV. The program is aimed at students and PhD candidates at UZH who are interested in didactics and/or want to acquire a basic qualification for academic teaching. The didactic skills taught through the program can be applied at university and later in your professional career.
Start! Teaching Assistant Qualification Program
The Teaching Assistant Qualification Program is offered by the School for Transdisciplinary Studies (STS). The STS offers interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary courses for students across all of UZH’s faculties.
School for Transdisciplinary Studies
When is teaching excellent? Which instructors inspire you?
UZH awards an annual award for excellent teaching to honor instructors who are committed to excellence in teaching. Every November, UZH students can nominate their favorite member of the teaching staff for this award. Each year, the survey focuses on a specific theme that highlights a particular aspect of good teaching. The winner is then selected by a jury from among all nominees.
UZH Teaching Award: Previous winners
UZH Teaching Award: Teaching Award survey and selection process
Get involved in UZH’s quality management processes for education and teaching (QMSL). These processes ensure that quality standards in teaching and teaching development are met, and they encourage a dialogue centered on quality among all stakeholders.
Regular and active participation in teaching-related evaluations and quality meetings are your most important contribution in this area: you can use the course evaluations (LVE, ILE) to give your instructors direct feedback on their courses.
Watch the short video to find out more:
Quality meetings are an opportunity to discuss the quality of your study program with those responsible and develop specific measures for improvement.
If you would like to learn more about UZH’s quality management processes and how you can get involved, please visit our website:
QMSL for Students
Join UZH’s buddy program and help prospective students get to know the University of Zurich. You will answer any questions they may have about studying at UZH (e.g. how should I prepare for my studies? What is a minor subject? Can I study part-time? What happens during exams? etc.), visit a lecture in your field together and tell them about your experiences as a student at UZH. Find out more here (in German only):
UZHGYM Buddy Program