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UZH for Students

University of Zurich Student Association (VSUZH)

Student Voice and Co-Determination

The Student Association of the University of Zürich VSUZH represents all students of the University of Zurich. It is the largest student association in Switzerland and is firmly anchored in the University Statutes as a public law entity.  It represents the concerns of all students in university policy issues vis-à-vis the university management and the public. 

Every two years, at least 70 students are elected in the free elections to the VSUZH Council, the students' governing body. These in turn elect student representatives to university-wide commissions and working groups. Thus, the VSUZH ensures student voice and co-determination at the university.

Facilitating and Enriching Student Life

In addition, the VSUZH offers all students services that enrich and facilitate student life. In this way, the VSUZH realizes its claim to make a positive contribution to the University, to bring the students together and to strengthen their identity with the University, but also with the city of Zürich. The VSUZH is the central contact point  for all student matters and serves as a hub for student volunteering and for organizations seeking contact with students. 

VSUZH Services


Advising and promoting student engagement and student organisations at the University of Zurich.

UZHGYM and Buddy Program

Offers support for high school graduates when transferring to university.
UZHGYM and Buddy Program

Legal advice (ReBeKo)

The Legal Advice VSUZH offers advice on general legal questions.
Legal advice (ReBeKo)


Independent telephone and online helpline from students for students. Confidential and anonymous.

Cultural office (Kulturstelle)

Discounted tickets for selected performances in the major cultural centres of Zürich.
Cultural office (Kulturstelle)

More services can be found on the VSUZH website:
VSUZH: Additional offers

Weiterführende Informationen


University of Zurich Student Association (VSUZH)

Rämistrasse 62

8001 Zurich

The centre for student volunteering of the UZH

Free of charge advice in cases like difficulties or conflicts around accommodation, appeals against exam results and other similar legal questions.