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Holders of a Licentiate degree or a Diploma of the University of Zurich may use one of the following titles; no attestation is required.
Name of the Master's Degree/ Abbreviation |
Former Degree | Abbreviation of Former Degree |
Master of Theology UZH / MTh UZH |
Liz. in Theologie | lic. theol. lic. sc. rel. |
Master of Law UZH / MLaw UZH | Liz. der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät | lic. iur. |
Master of Arts UZH / MA UZH |
Liz. der Philosophischen Fakultät Liz. der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät |
lic. phil. lic. oec. publ. |
Master of Science UZH / MSc UZH |
Liz. der Philosophischen Fak. im Hauptfach "Psychologie" Diplom der Math.-naturwissenschaftl. Fakultät Diplom der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät |
lic. phil. dipl. math, dipl. phys., etc. dipl. inform. |
Master of Medicine UZH / M Med UZH |
Staatsexamen in Humanmedizin | eidg. dipl. med. |
Master of Dental Medicine UZH / M Dent Med UZH |
Staatsexamen in Zahnmedizin | med. dent. |
Master of Veterinary Medicine UZH / M Vet Med UZH |
Staatsexamen in Veterinärmedizin | med. vet. |