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UZH for Students


Welcome Days

Exploring the campus, getting to know the services and facilities of UZH, making initial contacts: the Welcome Days for all new students take place in the week before the start of the Fall Semester.  All the information and details on the program at your faculty are available on the page “Welcome Days” from mid-July.
Welcome Days

VSUZH Events

Activity fair, freshers party, or Tanz am Irchel: the UZH Student Association (VSUZH for short) organizes a range of events throughout the academic year, particularly at the start of the Fall Semester. All the information and dates can be found on the VSUZH website:
VSUZH: Events

Events Organized by Student Associations

Talks, mindfulness seminars, parties: Information on the wide range of events run by student organizations is displayed on the screens in the UZH buildings, e.g. at the entrance to canteens and cafeterias and in main corridors and lobbies.

Courses and Workshops for Students

Study workshops, drop-ins, coachings: you’ll find an overview of all the events and courses run by the various Student Services on the Event Portal. You can also set up an event subscription there.
Event Portal: Future Skills

UZH Events

An overview of all public events at UZH and a selection of upcoming events can be found on the main UZH website and in the UZH app UZH now.
University of Zurich: Events

Tips and Tools